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Day 1 – Thursday, May 15


9:30am – 9:50am


Introduction by Frank Moreels.


9:50am – 10:50am

What is AI?

Keynote by Dominique Deckmyn.


10:50am – 12:00pm

AI in transport

Short, inspiring talks about the impact of AI on transport.
With Andrew Byrne, Erik Lamoral and Stefania Marassi.
Followed by a short Q&A.


12:00pm – 1:30pm

Lunch break


1:30pm – 2:00pm

Challenges for Trade Unions

Keynote by Stefano Malorgio, on the challenges for trade unions in the platform economy.


2:00pm – 3:00pm

Challenges for Trade Unions

Roundtable: How can trade unions tackle the challenges that AI brings?
With Baker Khundakji, Simon Taes and Sandra Gabriels.


3:00pm – 3:15pm



3:15pm – 3:50pm

Challenges for Trade Unions

Keynote by Mark Graham – author of ‘Feeding the Machine’.


3:50pm – 4:40pm

Social impact of AI

Introduction by Estelle Ceulemans.
Followed by a debate between Kathleen Van Brempt and Patrick Glauner.


4:40pm – 5:00pm

Cybersecurity & AI

Patrick Van den Branden on the risks of AI regarding digital security.



Bits & Bites

Drinks and talks, in an informal setting.
Location tbc.

Day 1 – Friday, May 16


9:30am – 10:40am

AI at a crossroads: ethics, climate and the future

Keynote by Thierry Geerts, on AI and the evolution of humans in the digital world.
Interview with Lode Lauwaert, on the moral dilemmas of AI in the world of work.


10:40am – 11:50am

How can AI help trade unions?

TED talks by trade union experts on how AI can be an ally.

Tim De Grom on AI-applications in union work.
Becky Wright, on the impact of AI on collective bargaining.


11:50am – 12:00pm

Closing statement

Frank Moreels reflects on the past two days.

WHAI? 2025

Workers, Unions & the Algorithmic Shift

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